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Interface SSHUserCertificate


  • SSHUserCertificate




certificate: string

the signed SSH certificate in OpenSSH Authorized Keys Format. this value should be placed in a -cert.pub certificate file on disk that should be referenced in your sshd_config configuration file with a HostCertificate directive


createdAt: Date

timestamp when the SSH User Certificate API resource was created, RFC 3339 format


criticalOptions: Map<string, string>

A map of critical options included in the certificate. Only two critical options are currently defined by OpenSSH: force-command and source-address. See the OpenSSH certificate protocol spec for additional details.

Optional description

description: string

human-readable description of this SSH User Certificate. optional, max 255 bytes.


extensions: Map<string, string>

A map of extensions included in the certificate. Extensions are additional metadata that can be interpreted by the SSH server for any purpose. These can be used to permit or deny the ability to open a terminal, do port forwarding, x11 forwarding, and more. If unspecified, the certificate will include limited permissions with the following extension map: {"permit-pty": "", "permit-user-rc": ""} OpenSSH understands a number of predefined extensions. See the OpenSSH certificate protocol spec for additional details.


id: string

unique identifier for this SSH User Certificate


keyType: string

the key type of the public_key, one of rsa, ecdsa or ed25519

Optional metadata

metadata: string

arbitrary user-defined machine-readable data of this SSH User Certificate. optional, max 4096 bytes.


principals: string[]

the list of principals included in the ssh user certificate. This is the list of usernames that the certificate holder may sign in as on a machine authorizing the signing certificate authority. Dangerously, if no principals are specified, this certificate may be used to log in as any user.


publicKey: string

a public key in OpenSSH Authorized Keys format that this certificate signs


sshCertificateAuthorityId: string

the ssh certificate authority that is used to sign this ssh user certificate


uri: string

URI of the SSH User Certificate API resource


validAfter: Date

the time when the ssh host certificate becomes valid, in RFC 3339 format.


validUntil: Date

the time after which the ssh host certificate becomes invalid, in RFC 3339 format. the OpenSSH certificates RFC calls this valid_before.

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